Pastor Kelly gives an update of how his first year in the Philippines has gone and how the ministry of Reach has helped those trapped in the sex trade. Go to www.Reach.ph to find out more.
One Church. Many Rooms.
Our hearts desire is to facilitate spaces for those that wish to become and belong as we follow Jesus together. Our desire has led us to create global campuses that uniquely seek to provide opportunities to meet and follow Jesus. In Nigeria we are changing hearts, informing minds, and equipping hands. In India we are serving the poor, healing the broken, and uplifting the downtrodden and marginalized. In the Philippines we are rescuing everyone craving hope and freedom by breaking the chains of sexual slavery and resourcing those freed to re-engage family and society.
As we continue to expand our efforts in sharing the hope of Jesus throughout the world, your support is vital. Whether it's through praying, giving or serving, it all makes a difference and we would love to partner with you in seeing the love of Christ be shared throughout the ends of the earth. If you want to find out more ways you can get involved in what God is doing through our Global Campus, please fill out the form below and someone from our team will reach out.